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Privacy policy & cookies


Privacy policy

The responsible company for processing your personal information on our website is Internet Consulting Ltd in person of the legal representative Alexandra Wolfsgruber. The data by Internet Consulting Ltd may be found in the imprint section of the website. The use of “we”, “us”, or “our” in this privacy policy refers to Internet Consulting Ltd.


We take the protection of your personal information very seriously. Your personal information will be treated in accordance with the provisions of data protection under law (this refers to a disclosure that is made pursuant to Art. 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 – GDPR, by the European Parliament and the European Council of April 27th 2016 for the regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC – Data Protection Directive). This privacy policy informs you of the purposes for which your personal information is processed, the duration of the processing, the corresponding legal basis, and if applicable the categories of recipients, your privacy rights (the so-called “rights of the person affected”), and other circumstances of privacy rights with the processing of your personal information. As a rule, the use of our website is possible without providing personal information. If you are asked to provide personal information (such as your name, address, or e-mail address), this always takes place on a voluntary basis, in particular as a result of your browser settings or because it is technically necessary. The following sections will indicate in detail which personal information is processed.

Closing your account

After the closure of your account, we will continue to need some of your information for legal obligations, such as tax matters and accounting. In addition, a legitimate interest in subsequent processing exists with regard to the disclosure and prevention of fraud and security guarantees. Shared information such as forum posts and reviews may be visible even after the closure of your account. in any case, the association of this information to you will be removed.

Data for bookings

We cannot help you in the search for your perfect accommodations without some information from you. For this, we will need the information that has been or is to be provided by you, such as your name and the names of those traveling with you, your e-mail address and your payment information. When booking accommodations, we may ask for your address, phone number, date of birth and possible preferences. We ask that you provide health-related information by telephone.

Transfer of booking information

The purpose of transferring your information is to complete your bookings with your accommodations of choice and to convey your information to the respective providers. Your information will be provided to the people supporting us if necessary for the completion of the booking. Such recipients include financial institutions, communications providers or also authorities. Their headquarters are located within the European Economic Area or in other countries that have been deemed data-secure. We do not sell or rent out your information.

Information we receive from you on others

As a rule, you usually do not book an accommodation just for yourself, but also for companions whose information you also provide us at the time of booking. This is also the case if you make a booking for someone else. In some cases, you may use our platform to share information with others (such as with referral programs). Information on the data processing is listed separately there. We hereby inform you that it is your own responsibility for the people whose personal information you have provided to us to have correspondingly agreed to this.

Legal basis and duration of the processing for bookings

Providing personal information within the framework of bookings is necessary because otherwise, the agreed upon services cannot be provided. The legal basis for the aforementioned data processing is the fulfilment of the agreed upon services for which the party is the affected person or else for which the processing fulfils a legal obligation (Art. 6, Sec. 1, subsec. b and c of the GDPR). The data are processed and/or stored until they are no longer applicable.

Data that we collect automatically

When you visit our website (or apps), we process some data automatically. This possible data could include: the IP address, date, and time of your visit; your hardware, software, and/or browser type, the operating system of your computer, the version of an app, your language settings, and information about clicks and which sites you visited. If you use our services with your mobile device, it is possible that we process some further data: the type of your mobile device and operating system, device-specific settings and properties, your geographical location, information about app crashes, and other system activities. The legal basis for this processing is the fulfilment of the agreed upon services or the technical necessity of the processing or of our legitimate interests, namely, traceability and optimization of our services, whereby the interests or basic rights of the affected party do not take precedence (Art. 6, Sec. 1, subsec. f of the GDPR). Within the context of the latter legal justification, the affected person has a right to object with an interest taking precedence; for details, see the rights of the affected party below. The data are processed and/or stored until the cited purpose is no longer applicable.

Processing partners, recipients

We process your personal information with the support of processing partners which support us by providing our services (such as web hosting, e-mail newsletter distribution, etc.) These processing partners are obligated to strictly protect your personal information and may not use your personal information for any purpose other than providing our services. Furthermore, your personal information will only be passed on to service providers that are typical within business such as banks (if you receive money transfers), tax advisors (if you are part of our accounting), distributors (if you receive mail from us), etc. which, on their part, are subject to the provisions under privacy laws.

Contact by contact form / e-mail / fax / post / telephone

In case if you contact us via a contact form, fax, post or e-mail, your data will be processed for the purpose of transacting the contact request. The data will be deleted as soon as they will no longer be required to achieve the purpose of your enquiry.

In case of using a contact form – fields: name, address, e-mail address, other form fields

Once you have filled in and sent a contact form, the personal information that you provided will be processed by the person responsible under privacy laws in order to answer your inquiry based upon the consent you have given by submitting the contact form. There is no legal or contractual obligation to provide personal information. Choosing to not provide personal information simply means that your inquiry will not be sent to us and we will not be able to process it. You have the right to withdraw your consent in writing at any time form. This withdrawal of consent shall have no impact on the legality of data processing activity up to the point in time when consent was withdrawn.

Further processing of the information from the contact form

Further processing of the data which is consistent with the original purpose of processing on the same legal basis for the purpose of direct marketing in forms not subject to consent, including for example the addressed postal delivery of advertising, is carried out until consent is revoked. In that case, the data is forwarded to the shipping provider. You have the right to revoke your consent to the use of your personal information for the purpose of direct advertising at any time; for details, see the rights of the affected party below. If consent is revoked, your personal information will no longer be processed for the purpose of direct advertising.

E-mail newsletter

By checking the box, you agree to the aforementioned personal information being used by the person responsible under privacy laws to send you current information and offers by e-mail newsletters until your consent is revoked. There is no legal or contractual obligation to provide personal data. Not providing personal data will only result in you not receiving the e-mail newsletter. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time in written form or by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the e-mail newsletter. This withdrawal of consent shall have no impact on the legality of data processing activity up to the point in time when consent was withdrawn.


This website uses cookies. Cookies make websites more user-friendly and efficient for users. A cookie is a small text file used to save information. When you visit a website, this website can place a cookie on your computer. If at a later point in time you visit the website again, the website can read the information saved in the cookie and find out, for example, whether you have visited the website before and which areas of the website you are particularly interested in. More information on cookies is available on

Changing cookie settings

The web browser settings determine how the web browser deals with cookies and which cookies are or are not allowed. These settings can be changed. How and where these changes can be made depends on the web browser. Use the ‘Help’ function in your web browser to find out more about how to change your cookie settings. You should be aware that limiting the use of cookies may mean that not all functions on this website can be used to their full capacity.

Cookies on our website

Our website uses the following cookies:

Source: Microsoft
Cookie that enables the service to select the correct instance set up by a user to deliver subsequent requests from that user.
Valid until end of session
Category: Necessary

Source: Microsoft
Cookie used for load balancing so that the user can connect to the same server in every session.
Valid until end of session
Category: Necessary

Source: Microsoft
Cookie that stores a unique session ID for the user to maintain the state of the website session.
Valid until end of session
Category: Necessary

Source: Google
Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.
Valid for 2 years
Category: Statistics

Source: Google
Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.
Valid for 1 day
Category: Statistics

Source: Google
Cookie for tracking user behaviour and technical monitoring.
Valid for 1 minute
Category: Statistics

Source: Google 
Cookie to store and count page views.
Valid for 1 year, 1 month and 4 days
Category: Statistics

Source: Meta Platforms
Cookie to deliver a range of advertising products such as real-time bidding from third parties.
Valid for 3 months
Category: Marketing

Source: Google
Cookie that helps to identify individual visitors and understand their behaviour on the website at different times.
Valid for 1 year, 1 month and 4 days
Category: Statistics

Function cookies of the accommodation list.
Valid until end of session
Category: Functional

Source: Meta Platforms
Determines how the user reached the website by registering their last URL address.
Permanently valid
Category: Marketing

If there are contents by third-party providers on the page, e.g. in the form of a widget or similar, these providers can use further cookies. The type and number of cookies may vary depending on the session, browser etc. and are therefore beyond our control. Please inform yourself at the respective third-party provider about the type and the purpose of each cookie. The use of cookies by third-party providers can normally be prevented via appropriate settings in your browser.

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service operated by Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Google Analytics is based on the legal principle of overriding legitimate interest (analysis of website use). To this end we have concluded an agreement with Google on contracted data processing. When you visit our website, a piece of software creates a connection to Google servers and data is sent to these servers, some of which are located in the USA. Google Analytics also uses cookies to save information about the website user as well as to analyse how visitors use this website. This website uses the function "Activation of IP anonymization". This means that within Member States of the European Union and countries of the European Economic Area your IP address will be shortened. Only in exceptional circumstances will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. According to Google, this data is used to analyse the use of the website, produce reports on website activity and provide additional services connected to use of the website and the internet. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if this is legally required or if the third party is tasked with processing the data on behalf of Google. For detailed information on the use of data by Google Analytics, please consult the data protection declaration of Google and Google Analytics:

Deactivating Google Analytics

It is possible to prevent our website from collecting your user data by activating the “Do not track” function in your web browser. Your web browser will then send a “Do not track” signal to all websites, including ours. You can prevent all websites from collecting your user data by downloading the following extension and installing it on your computer:

You can also control the capturing of your user data by Google Analytics on this website in the cookie and data protections message that appears when you first access the page.

Deactivating Google Remarketing / Ads

This website uses Google Remarketing, software that serves to present interest-related advertisements to the users of our website. Google Remarketing uses cookies for this (see above). Within this context, the data processing takes place on the basis of Art. 6, Sec. 1, subsec. f of the GDPR. This function can be technically prevented by users of the website by deactivating this JavaScript and cookies in their web browser. Details on the settings that are necessary for this may be found in the product description or instructions from the various browser providers. The data processing by Google can furthermore be prevented by the user using a browser add-on for the deactivation of Google. More detailed information on the conditions of use and data protection from Google Remarketing/Ads may be found at

As an alternative to the browser plug-in, you may click on the following link in order to prevent the recording in the future by Google Ads on this website. In so doing, an opt-out cookie is stored on your end device. If you delete your cookies, you will need to click on the link once again: Deactivating Google Remarketing / Ads.

Google Maps

This website uses Google Maps by Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, on the legal basis of overriding legitimate interests (display of position of addresses and direction in interactive maps directly on the website). We have signed a contract for data processing with Google. When you visit our website a piece of software creates a connection to Google’s servers and sends data to these servers, some of which are located in the USA. Google Maps also uses cookies to save information about the website user and to analyse how the website user uses the website. According to Google, this data is used to analyse the use of the website, produce reports on website activity and provide additional services connected to use of the website and the internet. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if this is legally required or if the third party is tasked with processing the data on behalf of Google. For detailed information on the use of data by Google Maps please consult Google Maps’ data protection declaration: as well as in the general privacy policy of Google: and in the privacy notice for advertisement of Google:

Google Fonts

This website uses special fonts provided by Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, on the legal basis of overriding legitimate interests (optimal display of a web presence). The use of Google Fonts makes it possible to present our wished representation of the website – regardless from the fonts you have locally. If the fonts cannot be found in your browser when opening the page, the browser will retrieve them directly from a Google Server, in order to display texts and fonts correctly. Due to the connection to the servers of Google, data will be transmitted to Google. These data are your IP address and the information, which page you have opened on our website. Google is certified for the US European Data Protection Convention “Privacy Shield”, which is meant to ensure the compliance with the data protection level valid in the EU. Further information to Google Fonts is available under Read more about Google’s privacy policy here:

Google reCAPTCHA

This website uses reCAPTCHA by Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, on the legal basis of overriding legitimate interests (protection against spam, bots, abusive spying of the web presence). By means of reCAPTCHA, it is possible distinguish, whether the data input in the website forms has been made by a natural person or abusively by an automated programme. In fact, reCAPTCHA analyses user behaviour at the time he opens a website. For the analysis, which entirely runs in the background, reCAPTCHA reviews different information such as IP address, average time spent on the website or mouse movements. This way, the IP address and possibly also other data required by Google for reCAPTCHA will be transmitted to Google. Google is certified for the US European Data Protection Convention “Privacy Shield”, which is meant to ensure the compliance with the data protection level valid in the EU. Further information about reCAPTCHA is available under Read more about Google’s privacy policy here:


This website uses videos by YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, a subsidiary company of Google, on the legal basis of overriding legitimate interests (attractive presentation of our online offers by means of integration and presentation of video contents). The videos can directly be opened on the website and are, in fact, integrated in the so-called “extended data protection mode”.  Tis way, YouTube does not save any user information on the website and does not load cookies recording user behaviour. YouTube gets the information that a user has opened the relevant page of our website only when the user has started the video. If he is logged into his Google or YouTube account, his surfing behaviour can be associated directly to his profile. By means of a previous logout, this can be prevented.  The collected data is transmitted in the USA and saved there. Google is certified for the US European Data Protection Convention “Privacy Shield”, which is meant to ensure the compliance with the data protection level valid in the EU. Further information about the terms and conditions of YouTube is available under, in the privacy policy by Google for ads under, as well as in Google’s general privacy policy:

Other video providers

Moreover, this website also uses videos by other providers. The privacy policy and information possibilities of each video provider and channels can be found here:

Facebook Pixel

This website uses Facebook Pixel, a web analysis service by Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland (“Facebook”) on the legal basis of overriding legitimate interests (analysis of website use). We have signed a contract for data processing with Facebook. In some cases, data will be transferred to the USA. This transfer of data to the USA takes place on the basis of the Privacy Shield. When you visit our website a piece of software creates a connection to Facebook’s servers and sends data to these servers, some of which are located in the USA. Facebook Pixel also uses cookies to save information about the website user and to analyse how the website user uses the website. According to Facebook, this data is used to analyse the use of the website, produce reports on website activity and provide additional services connected to use of the website and the internet. Facebook may also transfer this information to third parties if this is legally required or if the third party is tasked with processing the data on behalf of Facebook. We use Facebook Custom Audience as well as other tools offered by Facebook to advertise on websites like Facebook. In order to do this, we share your data with providers like Facebook and use Cookies and similar technology on our website to analyse how effective our ads are on these third-party platforms. For detailed information on the use of data by Facebook please consult Facebook’s data protection declaration:

Deactivating Facebook Pixel

It is possible to prevent our website from collecting your user data by activating the “Do not track” function in your web browser. Your web browser will then send a “Do not track” signal to all websites, including ours. You can also control the capturing of your user data by Facebook Pixel on this website in the cookie and data protections message that appears when you first access the page.

Presence in social media

We make use of social plugins and/or profiles and fan pages in social media platforms in order to communicate with the affiliated and registered users on these platforms and to inform them about our offers and services. The US provider are certified according the so-called privacy shield and are therefore obliged to comply with the European data protection. When you use and move to our profile on a specific network, the privacy policy and terms of use of this network are valid. We process your data that you send us via these networks, in order to communicate with you and to answer to your message send there.

The privacy policy, information possibilities and opt-out possibilities of the respective networks are available here:

Server log files

For the purposes of technical monitoring and increased security, this website processes the following personal information in a server log file. This processing is based on the principle of overriding legitimate interest of the person/company responsible (technical security measures).

  • content accessed
  • date and time the file was accessed
  • browser type and version
  • operating system used
  • referrer URL
  • IP address
  • host name

The IP address is going to be anonymised.


Our administrative, technical, and physical security measures are continuously being improved by us to provide protection of your data against unauthorized access, loss, destruction, or change. The security measures include firewalls and data encryption as well as access control to shared information. For reasons of security and protections of the transmission of private contents, this website uses the SSL coding system (Secure Sockets Layer). This encryption is shown by the “https://” and by the lock symbol in the address bar of your browser. In this way, third parties cannot read the data. However, we would like to inform that the data transmission can have security gaps on the web. A gap free protection against the access by third parties is not possible.

Your affected rights

You have the right to information on which personal information has been collected and, under certain circumstance, to request that this information be corrected or deleted as well as to limit the use of your personal information. If the processing of your personal information is based on your consent or an agreement which has been concluded with you, you also have the right to request that this data be sent to you. You have the right to withdraw any consent you have given for your data to be processed. This withdrawal of consent shall have no impact on the legality of data processing activity up to the point in time when consent was withdrawn. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information for the purposes of direct advertising or with a predominantly legitimate interest. In that case, your personal data will no longer be used for direct advertising. For the exercising of your rights as an affected person, please consult the contact information that is listed at the very top of the Declaration on the Protection of Personal Information.

Furthermore, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Privacy Protection Authority, specifically in

  • Germany: Deutsche Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit, Husarenstr. 30, D-53117 Bonn,
  • Austria: Austrian Data Protection Authority, Wickenburggasse 8, A-1080 Vienna, Austria
  • Italy: Il Garante per la protezione dei dati personali, Piazza di Monte Citorio 121, I-00186 Roma,
  • Switzerland: Eidgenössischer Datenschutz- und Öffentlichkeitsbeauftragter (EDÖB), Feldeggenweg 1, 3003 Bern

Links to other websites

We link to websites of providers that are not related to us (third parties). When you open such a link, we are no longer responsible for the collection and usage of your data. You may obtain information about that at the privacy policy of the respective provider. For the data collection and processing we cannot assume any responsibility. Therefore, when you leave our website by clicking on a link, you will be notified of that. If this is not made clear in the text, the link is marked with a note such as “external link”.

Changes to this privacy policy

We reserve the right to adjust or change our privacy policy according to the present regulations. In the event that changes are carried out, we will indicate it on our platform and publicly update the change date of this privacy policy.

Date: August 5th 2024

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