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Weather in South Tyrol

Forecast for today Saturday 22.02.2025

General weather conditions

The high will remain, but the air masses will become somewhat more humid.

The weather today

The day will be quite sunny, but there will be low stratus clouds in places at the beginning and high cloud fields will pass through during the day.

Mountain weather in South Tyrol

Wind at 3000 m
1 - Weak wind: 5-15km/h
2 - Moderate wind: 16-30 km/h
3 - Strong wind: 31-60 km/h
4 - Stormy wind: > 60 km/h

Sunrise: 07:07
Sunset: 17:52

Sunrise: 03:33
Sunset: 11:14

Forecast for tomorrow Sunday 23.02.2025

General weather conditions

With a south-westerly flow, partly humid air masses will continue to reach the Alpine region at high altitudes.

The weather tomorrow

The day will begin with sunshine and cirrus clouds. In the morning, cloud cover will gradually increase, obscuring the sun more and more.

Mountain weather in South Tyrol

Wind at 3000 m
1 - Weak wind: 5-15km/h
2 - Moderate wind: 16-30 km/h
3 - Strong wind: 31-60 km/h
4 - Stormy wind: > 60 km/h

Sunrise: 07:07
Sunset: 17:53

Sunrise: 04:32
Sunset: 17:53

Forecast for the next days

max: 15
min: -3
max: 12
min: -2
max: 10
min: -1
max: 12
min: -2
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