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Weather in South Tyrol

Forecast for today Saturday 21.12.2024

General weather conditions

The upper level flow will temporarily weaken and the air masses will become less cold.

The weather today

Very sunny weather with generally clear skies.

Mountain weather in South Tyrol

Wind at 3000 m
1 - Weak wind: 5-15km/h
2 - Moderate wind: 16-30 km/h
3 - Strong wind: 31-60 km/h
4 - Stormy wind: > 60 km/h

Sunrise: 07:56
Sunset: 16:32

Sunrise: 23:14
Sunset: 11:48

Forecast for tomorrow Sunday 22.12.2024

General weather conditions

A disturbance will reach the northern side of the Alps and will also affect the weather over a large part of South Tyrol.

The weather tomorrow

On Sunday, cloudiness will tend to increase with some snowfall in the north. In the south there will initially be no precipitation, but showers will be possible in the course of the afternoon. The sun will only appear in places.

Mountain weather in South Tyrol

Wind at 3000 m
1 - Weak wind: 5-15km/h
2 - Moderate wind: 16-30 km/h
3 - Strong wind: 31-60 km/h
4 - Stormy wind: > 60 km/h

Sunrise: 07:56
Sunset: 16:32

Sunset: 16:32

Forecast for the next days

max: 6
min: -10
max: 10
min: -8
max: 10
min: -10
max: 10
min: -4
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