In the highest winery of sparkling wine of Europe in Mölten
Near Terlan a road leads up to mountain Tschöggel and Mölten in South Tyrol. Also a cable way brings travelers to Vilpian to the hillsides of the sunny mountain, where at 1.150 meters lies the highest winery in Europe. „Arunda Vivaldi“ produces high-quality sparkling wine. During a tour visitors can learn more about this exceptional winery.
Here on the high plain of Salten grow gorgeous larch woods, which can be explored on a horse-ride or a chariot-ride with traditional Haflinger-horses. Hikers find a net of 160 road-kilometers inclusive walking bus, which brings them to the starting point of most of the walks. Other interesting places to visit are the Fossile-museum on site, the nearby city of Bozen or the spa town Meran and the surrounding valleys and villages, offering something for every taste.
Four seasons in Salten
In April the crocus-blossom covers the plain in white-purple; and the „Knödel-Sunday“ covers it with a selection of pots and pans filled with the most exquisite South Tyrolean „Knödel“ (=traditional dumplings). During summer, when the farmers harvest the hay, the farmers bowling competition on the natural bowling alley near the stables of „Gschnofer“ takes place. Then the dairy farmers take out their home-made bread, hand-made butter and scrambled eggs with herbs for a particular treat. In autumn, when the chestnuts are ripe, the mountain Tschöggel invites for the traditional „Törggelen“ with new wine, traditional meals and South Tyrolean „Keschtn“ (=chestnuts).
When it starts to snow, it is time for sleigh-riders, cross-country-skiers, snowshoe-walkers, ice-skaters and ice-curlers. Due to its location the high plain doesn't only offer a great deal of ice, snow and sun, but also a quiet and peace and a view reaching all the way to the Dolomites. Skiers and snowboarders find the ski areas Meran 2000, Rittner Horn on Ritten or Reinswald in Sarntal not far from here. Find here the most beautiful hotels in Mölten on the South Tyrolean Mt. Tschöggelberg in the environs of Bozen.